

I already have a journal on, which is a platform positioning itself as an alternative to Medium or Substack — and I do like it. I like because it has a slick-ass css veneer to distract random readers from if I ever write super-personal things on it. The whole point is that it doesn't feel intimate!!

But it doesn't feel intimate, so I'm setting up a Bear site, even though I'm blogging somewhere else. Also, I wanted to have a blogroll too, and I couldn't find a sensible place to stick one on my sparse and undernourished portfolio site. Another thing I do like about Bear is that, superficially at least, it looks a lot like Textpattern, which I've never been able to use without breaking. Finally, just in the last 26 hours, Linktree has stopped letting me log in, so I'm taking that as a sign and abandoning ship.

about me

My name is Jen. I've made some things, but mostly I write about things that I like, or that other people made. I have been oversharing on the Internet a long time, but it's mostly been deleted, thank goodness.

I'm on bluesky, the fediverse, the fediverse again, lastfm, spacehey, instagram etc., and of course, second life and FFXIV. I am trying to get better about using letterboxd, backlogged, goodreads, and Notion, but this may be too ambitious for me. Mostly I am just trying to read good things, write adequate things, recycle, keep ghosts out of my house, avoid potato chips, and not use too much electricity.